Be a Voice of Patients and Families

A group of people putting their hands in the middleThe Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC) at Texoma Medical Center brings together community volunteer patient family advisors and the hospital’s clinical, administrative and executive staff. The Chief Nursing Officer and the Director of Patient Experience serve as co-chairs for the PFAC, which meets quarterly to foster a culture of patient-and family-centered care (PFCC).

The Texoma Medical Center PFAC is made up of patients and family members from the hospital and TMC Outpatient Therapy Services. The council collaborates with staff, healthcare providers and hospital administration on ways to promote high-quality healthcare centered on the needs of patients and their families. Through their feedback, PFAC members provide insight into the total patient experience.

PFAC members help improve patient care by seeing the “big picture” beyond their personal experiences. At the same time, they may share their personal stories in meaningful ways. They work together to address a range of patient care concerns. They speak honestly and comfortably in a group setting while also listening to and respecting the perspectives of others.

How to Join PFAC

If you are interested in joining the PFAC or learning more about it, please email Diane Brock, TMC Director of Patient Experience, at

You can become a PFAC member if you or a family member has received care at the hospital in the last five years. You do not need any special qualifications to be an advisor. What matters is your experience as a patient or family member. We will provide any training you may need.

You may be asked to:

  • Share your story - Talk about your healthcare experiences with patients, clinicians and staff.
  • Participate in discussion groups - Tell us what it’s like to be our patient and how we can improve.
  • Short-term projects - Partner with us to make improvements — for example, helping to plan and design a family resource room.
  • Serve on a patient and family advisory council - Discuss ways to improve quality and safety with patients, family members and staff.

Texoma Medical Center depends on feedback from our patients and their family members to improve our quality of care. Please consider being a voice for other patients by serving on the PFAC.